Leaving Egypt
Leaving Egypt Podcast
EP#22 - The Local Parish and its Calling With Alison Milbank
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:15:23

EP#22 - The Local Parish and its Calling With Alison Milbank

Hosted by Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair

Al Roxburgh and Jenny Sinclair talk with Alison Milbank about the unravelling of society and its institutions, and the profound changes in the church. She laments that in her own tradition, in the Church of England, there has been a loss of confidence about its inheritance, both liturgical and parochial. She describes how mission has been separated from liturgy and how top down strategies are undermining the local parish. Instead, she affirms a local autonomy for the parish built on strong liturgical foundations around which many different ministries can thrive. The Save the Parish movement that Alison co-founded affirms a theology of place, where ministry involves building local relationships with neighbours whether or not they come to church: a dwelling, from which emerges a living ecology of love and care. 

The Revd Canon Professor Alison Milbank is Professor of Theology and Literature at the University of Nottingham, and co-founder of the Save the Parish movement in the UK. She is also Canon Theologian and Priest Vicar at Southwell Minster, where she leads on adult education but also engages in all aspects of ministry in a parish church cathedral. In her academic role, she teaches on the relation of religion and culture both historically and in the contemporary world. 

- Links -

For Alan J Roxburgh:




Twitter: https://twitter.com/alanjroxburgh?lang=en

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.roxburgh.127/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonsnetwork 

Joining God in the Great Unraveling https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-God-Great-Unraveling-Learned/dp/1725288508/ref=sr_1_

Leadership, God’s Agency and Disruptions https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Gods-Agency-Disruptions-Confronting/dp/1725271745/ref

Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time https://www.amazon.ca/Joining-Remaking-Church-Changing-World/dp/0819232114/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2NHGW8KB7L0SQ&keywords=Alan+J+Roxburgh&qid=1687098960&s=books&sprefix=alan+j+roxburgh%2Cstripbooks%2C130&sr=1-3

For Jenny Sinclair:

Website: https://togetherforthecommongood.co.uk/from-jenny-sinclair

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenny-sinclair-0589783b/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/T4CG

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TogetherForTheCommonGoodUK

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t4cg_insta/

For Alison Milbank:




The Once and Future Parish 

For the Parish: A critique of Fresh Expressions 

God's Church in the World: The Gift of Catholic Mission 




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